Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Frail Old Aunt

There she was
a tiny step
after another
gingerly balancing
on uneven surface
invisible footpath
amidst rushing
unseeing traffic.

She walked
her frail old body
through yet
another day.

I saw her
that day
as I rushed
through my day
sped past her
without a second look.

A momentary flash
Just maybe
today can be different
What will it take
just a moment longer
to give her a ride
ease her burden
for what are
a few precious moments
in my scurrying life.

The thought vanished
as fast as it arrived
and I continued
to aimless
in pursuit
of a youthful dream,
burying my voice
deep in my busy ness.

A few months
as I sped
the familiar road
of uneven surface
invisible footpath
amidst rushing
unseeing traffic
She was missing
and so was her
frail old body,
never to be
seen again.

A pang of guilt
crossed my heart
as I sped past
yet another day
to an aimless destination
in pursuit
of a youthful dream
that could not stop
a moment longer
in service of
a frail old aunt. 

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