Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Am Not Odd, I Am Unique

From dust and toil I was Born
To the same Mother as my brother.

Yet I am different and he is not

He is the pearl of her eye
I am the coal untouched.

He laughs, plays and makes merry

I wash, clean and work for him.

He studies

I work.

He lives

I hope to live.

Will it always be like this?

Yes says my Mom. 
You are a girl, he a boy
You are a curse, he a boon
You live for him, he lives!

I wish to be ME

Not me as the world says
I dream but with limits
I wish to be free to dream!

Am I odd, I ask

He replies, 
"You are not odd my child
You are unique,
Just like all else,
You are one in a Billion
Born to laugh, smile and live
You Will my child."

~ 5th February 2005. My first poem.


Have you ever felt lonely
in the midst of fulfillment?
in the midst of a crowd?
in love?
in passion?

Have you ever felt lonely
in the midst of achievement?
in the midst of recognition?
in time, time and again?
in spaces, here and there?

how you reside in my life now
growing on me day and night
every second and minute

I wonder if there is a reason
as there is with everything else

why have you chosen me
constant and ever there?

~ 2nd September 2008


Something about this snow
That's beautiful and calming
Like a white blanket
Healing the earth.

Stands still and calm
To protect and say I care

Something about this snow tells me
There is still hope in this world.

Cupid Again

Its not been a month
Cupid has reared its face again,
Enticing me,
Titillating me,
With the illusions of the world

It presents me opportunities
Where none existed earlier
It makes my heart tug
At every bench round the corner

The world my playground
and I its only player.

Yet, I wish one wish.
Take me back to my beloved
And make her love me again!

Cupid! Are you listening?

~ 19th February 2010

Vulnerable Me

Vulnerable with indecision.
Vulnerable with low self-esteem
Oh vulnerable me!

A dream to fulfill and thorns in the path
I take them away but worry I might hurt them
I hurt, the thorns continue to grow, 
Entrenched on the path of my dream
Oh vulnerable me!

I have bigger goals, I plead
I get caught in today.
I wish to get through
It never wishes to leave me.
Oh vulnerable me!

It wants more,
demands more,
needs more,
I let it hang around
Yet another day
Oh vulnerable me!

My goal goes farther
My dream eludes me
Oh Vulnerable me!
Makes me live in indecision
and makes me its slave.

I wish to unshackle!
I wish to unshackle
from vulnerable me.

~ 19th February 2010


I really wish I could be at peace with unfulfilled love.
Keep the memories.
Keep the love.
Be at peace.

Can I call this eternal hope. Maybe.

Do I want to have hope. Definitely.
Will that close lives many possibilities? Absolutely.
Yet, all I want to be with is unfulfilled love.

Is it my love for pain?

Has pain that has become a representation of love?
Is Pain and Love the one and same?

Is the ache more familiar to let go?

I seem to prefer the pain 
to the possibilities of new beginnings.

Maybe, I am a person of the past.
I don’t look at the gift of the present.
The past has pain and I want to keep it.
Is that so difficult to understand.

Isn't there optimism in unfulfillment?

Why let go when I CAN keep it.
Everyone around me says let go.
I can let go of most things – life, death, dreams.
Why let go of longing for love. 
This is the only thing 
that's absolutely, completely mine

I wish to keep it.

Nurture it. Delight in it.
Keep it as my elixir of life.

Oh! Unfulfilled love. Stay with me.
Lets be friends and nurture each other.
Don’t you listen to the voices of reason.
This is yours. Keep it.

There is peace and happiness

In keeping the pain of unfulfilled love.

~ 11th July 2013

Walking Away

When you look out the window
You will see me walk away.
Far from you and from our love
Into nothingness and oblivion.

You will not be able to stop me
even if thats all you wish
For my place in your life
is over forever.

You helped me find love
Now I need to unlearn love.

You helped me find companionship
Now I seek loneliness again.

As with everything in life,
I learn to embrace
sorrow that follows happiness.

When you look out the window
you will find me gone
Me and my shadow
forever from your life!

I found love in your embrace
and pain in your rejection.

I found myself in your eyes
and lost myself in your demands.

I found wholesomeness in your companionship
and also emptiness in your faraway gaze.

Time to move on
Free you from the one
that curtails your dreams.

Time to move on
to let your dreams soar
and find their home.

Time to not hold back
but let go.

For in your happiness,
I know I will find mine.
In your dreams,
I will find my peace.

So what, if in our time together
we discovered our dreams are different
atleast we discovered our dreams.

So what, if in our togetherness
we discovered who we are not
atleast now we can seek who we are.

So what, if in our togetherness
we discovered our differences
atleast now we can find one to love.

When you look out the window
you will see me gone,
myself and my shadow, 
leaving no trace
of even our memories.

We can start our journeys again,
our journeys of love and discovery
so what,
if its not together.

~ 13th July 2010

A Dream Last Night

A dream last night.
You were in it.
We walked through London
hand in hand.

We spoke
We dreamt
We thought 
about our life together.

We laughed
We shopped 
We looked far into the future.

You gave me a peck
I smiled.

A group of revelers 
came dancing by,
They grabbed you
took you away
In a sea of humanity.

I ran after
helter and skelter
and searching
not finding you
scared and afraid
lonely and worried.

I woke.

~ 25th July 2010


I wish those moments would go away
just to ease the pain

Moments through the day,
atleast a dozen a hour
when memories come flashing back
bringing you with them.

Moments when I freeze
and ask the questions
why and why not
happy and sad all the same.

when I wish you near
hear you clear
sense you here
close to me
within me.

How I wish
those moments would go away
yet I wish they never do!

For, in those moments,
I have you in my life again
so what if its not you,
but just a memory in a moment.

~ 25th July 2010

The Bar

There's something about sitting at the Bar and not the table
It gives a bartender's view of life.
I neither feel like a customer nor a bar-tender.
I feel like an observer of life.

Its fascinating to watch them work behind the counters
Making concoctions simple and complex
filling it up
serving, talking, playing, cleaning
Its all about efficiency and speed
Their eyes catch you even before you talk
almost hearing you think.

They know their drinks
and their customers
They are the keeper of secrets
and many a story.
sometimes, they give you a story
or a piece of profound life advice
people of a few words
unless you catch them
at the end of their day.

They are never tired of serving
or listening
love to have you sit at the bar

Maybe a signboard might help
"Drinks come pricey
The bartender is all yours for free"

~ 25th July 2010
These are posts I wrote on a tissue sitting at a local bar in Prague in January 2010.

A Creature Of Habit

A creature of habit, am I
Vodka, it is, sometimes wine
and so it is with most things in my life.

A scooter it is,
formal clothes to boot, 
a haircut of 10 years
and a barber even longer. 

A passion of 11 years
and dream for life.
A love for movies and fantasy
An escape from conflicts.

Never the same,
in love though.
The way to love.
A creature of habit, yet again.

To cultivate though
the habit of love, for one
stop the game of seek and fall
But, alas, its one habit
that seems to elude
yet again.

~ 25th July 2010
These are posts I wrote on a tissue sitting at a local bar in Prague in January 2010. 

Tlusta Koala

It is 11 pm
The night was young yet.
The choice was
My hostel room
or a drink at the bar
with myself and poetry.

I chose the latter
never to regret it
and to tell a tale 
yet another day.

I am at Tlusta Koala
Was here another night
with Indians, Brazilians and Egyptians

I come alone
with pen and tissue
and a lonely heart.

As the name goes, 
the place has many a Koala Bear
Big and Small,
Grey, Blue and Brown
making up its walls
and coasters too.

But otherwise,
its a regular pub
made special
by the Absolut Vodka
of my choice!

~ 25th July 2010
These are posts I wrote on a tissue sitting at a local bar in Prague in January 2010. 

Absolutely Absolut

Absolut, Vodka of my choice!
Sweet and potent
A perfect combination.

I don't fancy a Beer,
The rest I don't care for much.
Wine? you may ask,
A diplomatic drink
for business and work
and sometimes
because my ex preferred it.
Not that bad,
When on a date
But Absolut is the vodka of my choice!

Peach, Peer, Rasberry and Pepper
You think it and they create it!
Tonight, I had Black Currant
Just perfect to tingle my taste buds
and make me forget
life and its complexities
just for the night.

~ 25th July 2010
These are posts I wrote on a tissue sitting at a local bar in Prague in January 2010. 

On Missing

I am in love or
am I in love 
with the idea of love?
I often wonder...

I miss her
More Importantly
I miss being 
a part of her life
feeling wanted, desired, needed
feeling that I mattered to someone

I miss her most
for things,
I loved doing with her
and for her

I miss most
the feeling
that I was 
in someone's life
I am not!

~ 25th July 2010.
These are posts I wrote on a tissue sitting at a local bar in Prague in January 2010. 

Dread Going Back

Dread, I do, Going back
for more reasons than one.

Here, anonymous
a nobody!

Back home,
somebody's dream
somebody's expectations
somebody's boss
somebody's ex-love

Dread, I do, going back
to the same morning
the same day
the same responsibilities
the same burdens

Dread, I do, going back
to being a boss
a manager
a torch-bearer 
of a thousand expectations

Dread, I do, going back
to being a son
a friend
a man of the world again

Dread, I do, going back
to the days
of memories
of familiar streets
of familiar people
of familiar love
longing in its want.

Dread, I do, going back
knowing fully well
she will not await me
neither will she be around
to share my life with me

Dread, I do, going back
to not loving.
wishing it
not allowing.

Dread, I do, going back 
to who I am!

Stay here, I wish
a stranger
a nobody.

~ 25th July 2010.
These are posts I wrote on a tissue sitting at a local bar in Prague in January 2010. 

Cities of Our Childhood

Prague, The city of timelessness
Where the past coexists with the present
attempts to embrace the future.

The museum of communism
is a museum alright
sharing this floor with a casino
while a Mcdonalds showcases a future
on the ground floor
all but overarching the museum

The buildings have history and character
holding many a gory past
but present a picture of legacy
for the ever-coming tourists

I watch many a man,
kneeling on the icy cold road
to beg for alms and food
and maybe some wine
for a cold wintery night

The churches seem empty
and so do the cathedrals and basilicas
standing tall and majestic
but humbled by nature
and the new face of humankind.

They appease the tourists
but not the old woman
groceries in one hand
and stick in another
the icy cold winds, snows
and the muck of the city.

The city survives
with its charmed tourists
but its own children seldom enter its gates.

Two days in this city
has been a time for reflections
and contradictions too.

I no longer seem to enjoy the facade
shown to the ever-hungry tourist
camera in tow and borrowed smiles too.
Who see the sky and its majestic palaces
but don't wish to scratch the surface
to see the dark underbelly
a reflection of their own city
and soul.

The statues say more
than the people walking past
The statues say more
in their silence than
the clatter of chatter all over
I hear them cry to save our souls
before we decay
forever and ever more.
The statues say more!

This is not the city
she once knew
and wonders
will she ever find 
the city of her childhood?

A man asks if I want marijuana
another if I want a woman
some would say yes,
others hesitate but curious.
I walked away
scared and bewildered
curious still.

Its a city of loneliness, 
like many a big city
few smiles and even little compassion
its no different from my city
or any other that prides in being a city
with empty hearts and transient dreams
Everyone a nobody
attempting to be a somebody

I wonder
will we ever find
the city of our childhood
anywhere at all!

I wonder
Do we wish to find it?

As I conclude my journey
in this city of timelessness
I dread going back
to the city of my dreams
and my failures

~ 25th July 2010

These are posts I wrote on a tissue sitting at a local bar in Prague in January 2010. I had almost forgotten them till tonight I thought was a good night to resurrect them before they crumble into the lifeless life of the tissue. One part of me tells me to just let them fade away into the invisibility of the tissue and another part of me wants to eternalize them by capturing them here. I chose the later for some of them and tore away the rest. It was the combination of being alone in a new country and just having lost a loved one to the complexities of complex relationships that made me the writer this cold January evening in Prague. It was also maybe the romanticism of the city of Prague. Don't know.


Give me some Sunshine
to live an other day!
I dont ask for much,
a little would do
just to keep me at bay!

A smile would do
a yellow flower too
a hug
a tug
or maybe a mug

Give me some sunshine
to love an other day!

~ 31st July 2010

Love As Is

I pursue sometimes with futility
and sometimes with vitality
An elusive theme

Simple in its simplicity
and yet none have been able to state it 
with any definity

I wonder 
is someone out there 
I would grow old with.
Love them a bit more 
with every passing moment.

Is there someone I can love more
with each passing day
with each greying hair 
with each crumbling bone.

Is there love that exists 
in such a state of ever-greenery.

If there is,
I wish for such a love.
encompassing my being
seeking me out as I seek it out

Love as is
in eternity.

~ 17th November 2008

It Had Me For Dinner

It grabs you unawares
It moves quickly
In no time 
It encompasses your entire being.

It devours you 
Takes you deep inside
In its black, bottomless hole.

It sucks you in
choking you
on your own breath.

I succumbed to it today.
It consumed me in all its ferocity.
It fed into my head and brain.
Made me its slave.
I became its slave.

Didn't know what to do with it.
I wanted it out
Yet the more I tried
The more it devoured me

I was scared! I was worried!
From me I knew it would devour another
and then another and another...

I hid myself so it would not pass on
I locked myself up
I spoke in mono-tone
Lest, I spit out something!

It was Anger! and Today, It had me for dinner!

~ 17th November 2008


Calamari, The place where the world arrived today.
The rich and the not so rich
The famous, infamous and the cannot be famous
The white, greys, browns and every other shade
The one's with sunglasses and those without
The bikini clad and the chuda draped
It was after all the Sunday band
and the weather was spectacular
Inviting the world to Calamari today.

A newly-wed and the newly broken
The singles wanting to mingle
and the friends just being friends
The book-readers and the sea-watchers
The hoggers, quite a few of them I tell you
and the squatters too!
They all did come to Calamari's famous Sunday bonanza.

Regi welcomed them all
as he had done for 8 years now
with his gracious smile and Goan charm.

He never let a slip happen,
and his band of boys were well trained
to catch an eye when required 
or to leave you alone in intimate moments
They were his boys who charmed the crowd
wanting to stay on longer 
and keep coming for more

The band was a hit today,
with songs from countries close and near
of love, joy and happiness
they played and sang with gay abandon
for there was not a worry in the world
as long as one was on a Goan holiday
and Calamari was at your service this Sunday!

Here's a toast to you Regi
and your remarkable band of boys
For Calamari was definitely
our destination of choice
on our special Goan holiday!

~ 24th October 2010

Home By A River

I stayed at a home 
by a river
A home it is, 
built with love, care and happiness
hardwork, toil and a dream
by a man whom I have come to admire
in the last few days, I met him.

It took him decades of hardwork 

and many a sacrifice
to find a dream and make it a home
It overlooks a river day and night
and every second in-between
and speaks volumes of 
the beauty that earth is
and what man can do
when he respects and values
our abode as it should be.

I have spent every morning

in silence and awe 
of the beauty of nature
that surrounds this home
gladdening my heart 
and making me smile.

I could have sat for hours more
just in silence
watching glorious nature
unfold outside
this gorgeous home.

I have spent many an evening

in reflective happiness
as I have watched the moon
play with the river
and wash the home
with its wondrous light.

The home, this home

has a wondrous energy
calmed me and my nervous nerves
as I sought to take a break 
from life's many burdens.

Thank you Babla Uncle

for building this dream
and for your generous
heart to share this home
with friends and friends of friends
Your generosity has given me
memories for life
of a home by the riverside
and the inspiration
of man who has a dream. 

~ 24th October 2010

Thank You!
For sharing your home with me these past few days! It has meant a world to me. Thank you Ishita for bringing me here and introducing me to Babla Uncle. He is a remarkable human being.